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 I am a mother of 2 wonderful boys who keep me very active and on my toes every single day! I am married to my best friend and I feel lucky every day of my life! Here is a little background on myself.  Since I was 5 years old, I have been living with Epilepsy.  My personal struggle with this has made life complicated at times and many obstacles have come my way because of my disability.  I do believe that its because of my disability that I am the stronger person I am today.  I am also a much more compassionate person because of it.  I live my life as if anyone else would.   I just happen to take medication everyday to help with my seizures.  I feel so fortunate to be able to have this life that I do live!  I feel very lucky to have so many loved ones surrounding me!  Why is Direct Sales right up my alley?   Selling and marketing from my home and hosting parties from my house is so much fun and rewarding for me!  Plus, to be able to do it with a product that I am so passionate about is just icing on the cake! Not being able to drive and being able to work from home is just perfect for me! 


I hope as you check out the products that I sell you will love them just as much as I do!

Storyboards have changed my life! I was always great with taking photos, but awful with putting them into albums, frames and forget about hanging them on the walls!  That just didnt happen!  I literally had boxes filled with photos!  Then when everything became digital and all photos could be stored on the computers, I just got even worse! Pictures of my kids were  never updated around my home.  Here is why storyboards are so amazing and unique!  First you download the Rendi Tag It! app to your smartphone, then you choose the picture that you want to make into a tag!  Not only do you get to customize the tag with your photo, but the best part is on the back of the tag,  you get to put anything about the day, or the photo you want so you always remember! This is all done from your phone! When the tags arrive, you hook them onto your already customized storyboard!  Everything is customized by you to fit your home decor! Its amazing and keeps you organized! The tags are lifeproof! They are archive quality so they will make amazing keepsakes to pass down generation to generation! 

My kids are so happy now that we have updated photos of them and their friends all the time! Plus, its great to look through the tags and read the back of them with friends and family! Get a starter kit and you will be hooked! I guarantee you will love it!

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